Top 6 human points to increase your memory power - 100% working tips !!

Memory power is an art, its a talent ! If you have very good memory power with pretty good concentration, you can achieve anything and can do unbelievable things in this world ! Yup, its a true one. So here i gonna explain how to increase your memory power. To do this, you no need to have any special equipment. First you should think and realize that,  everything in you ! You should unleash that by your concentration and dedication. It is a basic thing for all. By doing appropriate practices, and dedication you can increase your memory power.

How to increase your mind memory power

There are 6 main things will help to being a good memory power person ! 

  • Self confidence
  • Interest
  • Motivation
  • Awareness
  • Understanding
  • Heath

1. Self confidence

First you should be confident and realize these

You can remember every news and happenings ! 
Your brain is in very good condition ! 
You have wonderful mental energy and all !

You shouldn't think like

Oops ! Really i don't no how will i read and remember all these things !
I have very less memory power :(
I am forgetting often :(

So, you must leave all these useless tensions in the start. You should think, you were matured and very special one fundamentally. Memory power is "TALENT" of the brain. If you wanna use this, by taking simple efforts and practices you can increase and use it. So first of all leave your hesitations and accept this truth. When you realize that you can increase your memory power easily, you can get awesome memory power.

2. Interest (Curiosity)

Basically by birth, your interesting things and lovable things will save in your mind automatically. It has been happening magically. Even if you are not interested in your X or Y subject, when you show interest in that, you will get long memory in that gradually. You can increase your memory power by showing your curiosity.

3. Motivation

You should raise questions with yourself. Yeah, you should ask these questions with yourself when you need to memory something ! You can follow the idea of professional marketing company, insurance agents, bank loan follow up persons for self motivation. Because, even if they not good at today's business, they will self-motivate their selves for tomorrow.

  • Why should i remember this thing?
  • Why should i concentrate in this?
  • How will this use for me?
  • How will i get benefits from this thing?

For instance, you just assume, that one party will settle $10,000 tomorrow at Hotel Le-Meridian for your property buying agreement. Will you forget it? I am damn sure, you will not ! Yup, when your mind get wondered and some interesting passionate matter will happen, it will store it automatically without fail.

So i advice you, just create fake but worth wondering things about that subject. So you can memory it very easily and your memory power will be increased. Which subject will understand your needs, urgency, it will save in your mind automatically.

4. Awareness

When your mind is in alert stage, your focus, integration, and awareness will work. So, keep doing yogasanas, any meditation course. meditation and yogasanas practice will increase your awareness and concentration. When your concentration and awareness is in right stage, you can increase your memory power. Awareness matters, helps.

There is no bar to learn specific course to practice. You can go to any meditation class. But just confirm, are they really in the true position in this society or running for money.

5. Understanding

Understood subject will save in mind nicely. If you didn't understand that subject, you should ask some question with yourself mentioned below.

  • Why hesitation ?
  • Why afraid to ask/hear this again ?
  • Why need to shy ?
  • What is here to shy ?
  • Why ?
  • For what ?
  • How ?
  • What ?
  • Where ?
  • Who ?
  • Whom ?
If you are very matured about understanding, then there is no big thing to get wonder ever.

6. Health

You can increase your memory power when your health is in good condition. Else, it will be a tough task related to your health even for normal remembering things. So be healthy minded, healthy physic structured forever. Girls mentality always try to maintain their physic in good condition, so you can follow girls to be unique in health.

  • Have your food for your hungry, not for time ! 
  • Have your food for health, not for taste !
  • Have your food with healthy combo, not as advertisement styles !

In healthy body, the blood flow and air flow will go to brain promptly and will support for good remembrance. You healthy body not only support for remembrance, it supports for alacrity also. By follow Proper food, proper sleep, respective training for your health, you can increase your memory power without fail ! Most of the professionals are telling, by having healthy food, people can increase their memory power, its one of the way.

Best food to increase memory power !

  • Soak made almond
  • Dried grapes 
  • Papaya
  • Agatthi leaves (August tree leaves - Greens)
  • Groundnut
  • Indian spinach

Enjoy your rest of life, by having good memory power. all the best of your bright memory !!

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