Top working tips to get fair look within a week

Top working tips to get fair look within a week
The fair is called basically depends on your physic, hairstyle and the skin colour. So if you try to change your body structure by doing exercises or going gym, using natural creams and taking steam bath to change your skin colour, discussion with the hairdresser to change hairstyle., then you will get fair look without fail. If you don't care yourself, then who else will? Lets see here to get fair look by following some regular works in home. Men and women both can follow these. Upcoming tips are will give you the temporary fairness only. If you need to maintain your fair look, you should follow those tips regularly.

1. Take two table spoons of tomato juice with one table spoon honey and apply it in your full face even in neck and ear. After applied, wait and wash your face after half an hour in cold water. You can do this in anytime in a day. And see the magic in your face after a week!

2. Before you sleep at night, mix half glass milk with honey and apply it in your face full. While applying, beware that it shouldn't touch or stick in your hair, and then you can sleep. After you wake up from in the morning, your face will be in dry position. So wash your face in cold water. Do this regularly and see the difference after a week.

3. Take half banana and rumple it. After that mix that with one table spoon of honey. Apply it in your face and wait for half an hour. Then wash it in cold water. You can do this in the morning. Follow this regularly and see the brightness in your face after a week.

4. Or else you can apply curd in your face before go to sleep at night. And wash it in the early morning in cold water. See the difference within a week.

5. This tips only for girls. Take turmeric powder a little and mix it with coconut oil or mustard oil and apply your face. As usual wait for half an hour and wash it in cold water. Do this for a week and see the charm in your face.

6. Take a lemon and cut it as pieces. Sneeze it completely and take out that inner layer of lemon which is in each pieces. And rub that inner layer in your face 10 minutes. Do this daily, and see the beauty after a week. 

Apart from those, you can also follow these for healthy life with fair look

1. Drink more water in a day (2 1/5 - 3 liters).

2. As face is the index of the mind, Do yogasanas and Meditation.

3. Do regular exercises.

4. Go to gym and workout for your physic maintenance.

5. Try to have half boiled food items.

6. Try to have mostly green vegetables.

7. Try to have mostly fruits in night.

8. Have fresh fruit juices without sugar than having milkshakes and cool drinks.

9. Think always positive and be active.

10. Don't get tense for any and take responsibility for all mistakes and be smiled face forever.

Suppose if you need fair look results in very few days without any side effects, then you can try this method..

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