Who is God? Does god Exist? Will God help in your bad situations?
Yeah, there are more questions about divine! To conclude in short, lets see a short story in our Imagination which is very useful to live in this world peacefully without more complications about God. Humans mostly never think about god in their happy times.
They always call the god in their hard times & sad situations only. There are billions of people living around the world. Each fraction of seconds there are many things is been happening from birth to death! Now, do one thing for me..
Just Freeze this "second" in your clock !.. Yeah, what you heard is right! Just "freeze" this second ! Freezed? Ok.. Within.... There are billions of requests was requested to god around the world in that freezed "second".. Right??
Many wishes, desires, helps, compensations & more was asked to god in this freezed second!
As we cannot take much time and see about all requests to the God, to make you understand, let's take only 3 requests from the different persons from world, who called God for help at that freezed "second"!
That mean, three persons called the god in same tone.. "OH GOD ! SAVE ME.."
Those three called God now. Will the god come? Will the god help them? Between religions, "If the god wanted to change your religion to help you, then that's not a God, Its probably called a political leader!" So let's generally take God as one for all & see the story.
"In this story, these three things are happening in the same freezed "second" at different locations"
Situation to the "1st" Guy :
The frustrated software engineering graduate almost got fed up because of searching job & no vacancies. While he sat his bike in tired, he suddenly receives a message from his Girl friend that, She calls him to her home for romancing as her parents went for some function. He suddenly wondering and he goes her apartment immediately. In ground floor she waits & receiving him.
He blinks & tells that, let's go bed room dear! What are you doing in ground floor? Come on, we don't have much time for romance ! She reveals that, her mom is in home! He shocked! The girl called him to convey their love to her mom as he got afraid & denied for long years to convey this love matter to her parents ! He stumbles..
She pulls him to her home via steps. He gets afraid as her mom is familiar Government financial advisor !
In that same "second", he calls the god.. "OH GOD! SAVE ME.."
She pulls him to her home via steps. He gets afraid as her mom is familiar Government financial advisor !
In that same "second", he calls the god.. "OH GOD! SAVE ME.."
Situation to the "2nd" Guy :
In a private spot, a traitor get caught to his mass Don because of the disclosure of deals to the opponent enemy in the past. Even though he is a murdering Don, he has some good qualities.
But he won't forgive the traitors. In that spot, Don's co murderers locked the Traitor. They holding the traitor, the Don taking the sword & walks towards him to kill..
But he won't forgive the traitors. In that spot, Don's co murderers locked the Traitor. They holding the traitor, the Don taking the sword & walks towards him to kill..
In that same "second" the traitor calls the god.. "OH GOD! SAVE ME.."
Situation to the "3rd" Guy :
In the film direction office, the director & the team thinking for long time to write the script for short film. But they are not getting any proper script line. While the director thinks, an assistant director comes late to the discussion due to heavy traffic because of the Mass murder on the way.And he tells the reason for late to the director. And another assistant director suddenly got phone message, reads & smiles. In tense the director asks, whats going buddy? He replies that, his girl friend called him to her home, but he denied to go.
The director got tense and says, there is only two months for film festival, we not even finished the script. One is always late & another one is crazy about girls. In-between how to write the script & finish the shoot?
In that same "second" he also calls the god now ! "OH GOD! SAVE ME.."
Time to meet the God !
Assume that, after long journey, we finally meet the god somewhere in the deep forest. As we know about these three persons problems, we are asking the god to come & help them!The God replies..
" Dear sons, the car itself takes minimum 3 to 4 persons to repair the mechanical problems. In between, its the human life ! There are more things need to get experienced for reasons! And moreover billions of people calling me to help in the same "second"!
Badly, I'm only one to help all those billions ! How can I attend all the events at the same time? There are more important things to solve which creates even world war & galaxy mystery ! So please understand..
I'm not saying that I won't come, actually I couldn't come as of now ! I will come & see those problems later !!!"
God disappears..
Now god also denied to come & help these three persons. Who will come & help them now? Let's see..
Help happened to "1st" Guy :
The software graduate goes up & meets the mom. Suddenly he got spark in mind & thinking smart. After came to know that, her mom is Financial advisor, he sits & start explaining gradually about his life plans, savings, his nature, future calculations, caring with the wife & every possibilities for being in rich life from beginning to the end!The mom wondered & admits his valuable calculations which cannot explain, even think like normal street romeos ! It was like professional convincing style ! Because of his bold smartness, the mom finally smiled & brought him coffee..
That means the acceptance for the marriage !
Solution : God didn't came, he won the situation by his smartness !
Help happened to "2nd" Guy :
While the Don comes towards him, the traitor suddenly got an idea & stopped the don by saying something meaningful.As the traitor knows already, that the Don is always respecting and having mercy on ladies & kids, he started to lie. That mean, the traitor had a love on some college girl. Before some months they got married & she is pregnant now. As the traitor grew as orphan, he now got his family. He is ready to die, but actually he wants to see his baby once the baby born.
So he requests the Don to leave him till the baby born & requested to kill after see the baby. As the Don also mercy about kids, he leaves him & planned to kill him after delivery. And the traitor leaves that place, the very next day the traitor flew to the unknown foreign country to live alone happily..
Solution : God didn't came, he won the situation by his presence of mind !
Help happened to "3rd" Guy :
While the director worried about the assistant directors negligence, suddenly got an idea! He started to write the story about the God & Humans. The short film had three parts!That means, he added the content in screenplay with the experience of him which happened just before some minutes.
1st asst director's office late reason of killed some traitor on the way came as one part, 2nd asst director's romantic phone message came as another part & the director's own struggle about script writing came as 3rd part!
Solution : God didn't came, he won the situation by his presence of mind & smartness !
Verdict :
So never expect the god for any ! He may busy in more important sessions. Improve your talent, have more experiences, meet new people daily, learn more things in life, be human being, do good things to people & always have positive thoughts!Be prepared for every situations! Then the good things will fall in place for sure.. Actually to say, "The person who knows to utilize the situation for his Goodness than worrying, is called Real Living God !" Everything is in you!
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