Ideas you can follow to borrow bank loan easily without collateral security
Most of the persons are willing and in the needful position to get bank loan for their personal or official use. Yeah, bank also running their banking and financial sector for giving bank loans & credit facilities and earn with good lenders. The only main thing is they people mostly hesitate to give new persons who doesn't have collateral security. So, here i gonna explain about the possible easy ways to getting bank loan for all persons, event if they doesn't have any assets. I suggest, if you are going to follow these simple steps there is no doubt, you are in eligible criteria to borrow bank loan.
1. Relationship with bank
All banks are here for giving credit only, but first you must see, which bank is really giving first preference for loans. For this, you can see their products like, TWO WHEELER LOAN, CAR LOAN, MORTGAGE LOAN, GOLD LOAN, PERSONAL LOAN, HOME LOAN, CREDIT CARD LOAN, CASH CREDIT FACILITY, OVER DRAFT FACILITY, LOYALTY LOAN, TRAVEL LOAN etc.
If you going to analyse these, you can get clear picture that which is the best loan giving bank. After analyse this, you just start relationship with them by opening a new account. Its a first step same as starting with the girl for healthy relationship.
2. Bank statement
After open the account, you should keep in mind, that your each and every transactions should be routed through your account. For an example, if you are going to buy, grocery items or daily needed items for your home, you just go to bank and deposit some of amount in your account, then swipe your DEBIT CARD at the merchant place for buying your items. If you have any excess cash, or hand loan with your friends, salary, or any business rotation cash, you just walk to bank and deposit into your account. Then you can withdraw.
The main thing that you need to notice in this, if you deposit today into your account, it will be more useful withdraw tomorrow better than same day. Whatever you buy or spend all you need is do it through you bank accounts facilities. When you are going to follow this, your bank statement page will be more numbers, one day you also will get wondered that you have did a great job. It is for beginners. When a person has wealthy bank statement those can go to the next step.
3. Second relationship with the bank
You need to concentrate not only on bank transactions, you will be notified by bankers when you are going to take their additional products. Like, FIXED DEPOSIT, RECURRING DEPOSIT or INSURANCE. These three are most important segment to get bank loan from bankers. For an example, if you take any of one product mentioned up, bankers will consider that you are not only active account holder, even you are good financial planner and good minded with savings for you & your family's life.
(The additional benefits of taking RD or FD, you can convert it to SECURED LOAN, when you have any urgency)
4. Cheque / Check honoring
You need to apply new cheque book and empty your cheque book often by passing cheques to the parties. It will be consider when you are going to apply bank loan. Bankers definitely will see how many cheques that you have passed, and how many cheques that you have bounced. My strong opinion, you shouldn't bounce your any instrument at any circumstance. Once you have black marked with your instrument as bounced charges with your statement, its not possible to get bank loan that much easy.
So you should honor you all cheques without fail. Then another thing is, bank will be more happy and see you as wonderful person is, when you transact mostly by transfers like online transfers, cheque transfers, card to card transfers you will be a super hero for bankers. So better you can mostly avoid cash deposits.
5. Previous "LOAN TRACK"
It is a wonderful segment of getting bank loan. Yeah, 101% the previous LOAN TRACK will support to get new loan very very easily. If you have already secured loan like two wheeler loan, car loan, home loan or mortgage loan with any other banks and if you re payed without any black mark its called LOAN TRACK and bankers will give you the first preference.
So after open an account, with your bank transactions only you can get secured loan of bike loan, or car loan before getting personal loan. Secured loan will be very easy than getting personal loan. So you should borrow and repay on time to time to secured loan first. Its not only for your upcoming personal loan, it will be more useful and will help to prove that you are a good borrower.
"If you don't have any commitment for auto loans, you can pledge your gold into bank and ask them to convert it to as loan. Its also called secured loan"
"If you don't have gold, no problem. You can deposit some of money into fixed deposit, and ask bankers to give credit card depends on your deposit holding credit limit. Its also called secured loan"
Whatever you borrow from bank, just repay it by bankers choice without fail. It matters a lot.
6. Income Tax returns (IT returns)
You should pay income tax for your earnings. It doesn't matter that you really earned or not. You just go to auditor, show your bank statement. Prepare your balance sheet. Whatever it maybe. Just pay some of money to INCOME TAX. Because, bankers will ask your at least your last two years IT RETURNS for giving personal or business loan without collateral security.
"The main thing you need to note in this, bankers will approve the limit your personal or business loan depends on your last two year IT RETURNS". So, you don't think that your money going to waste by paying income tax. You should think its an investment for your future loans and projects. So just pay your income tax which is your high end figure.
"Minimum last two years IT matters a lot !!!"
7. You are ready to rock
When you have all these records as well as well, you are definitely will be a wonderful borrower. you can take these records to bank with confident, and answer for banker's questions very gently ! There is no other go for bankers. Definitely they will consider you as rare one and bend for your needs, will nod for your words. Because they won't think to lose any splendid borrower. Yeah, finally you are in perfect stage. Its all happened by your activities only. All in our hand. When we see our atmosphere, and ready to utilize that for our need, I am damn sure, not only bank will consider. All sectors will see you that you are special one. Stay blessed ! Keep rocking !! Have a wealthy year ahead !!!
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