Foods to avoid for hypothyroidism

If you are hypothyroid, choosing the right food is essential to stay healthy and undoubtedly there are certain foods to avoid for hypothyroidism. . Hypothyroidism is known as under active thyroid, where the thyroid gland is under producing the thyroid hormones which is not sufficient for your body.  Consuming some foods may not be friendly for your thyroid gland and that may end up in further aggravating low thyroid. Choosing the right food and eliminating the food which is not good for your thyroid is significant for a wholesome well being. This article helps you with a list of foods to avoid for hypothyroidism.

Foods to avoid for hypothyroidism

Foods to avoid for hypothyroidism


It is believed that soy can infringe your thyroid function and sometimes it can also create trouble in absorption of thyroid hormones (pills) if consumed within some hours of taking the pills. Avoiding or restraining soy from your diet is extremely good for a healthy thyroid.

Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, turnips, raddish and bok choy.:

These are called cruciferous vegetables that potentially interfere with secretion of thyroid hormones. Having these foods may enlarge your thyroid gland causing goiter. So it is better to completely get rid of these veggies in your diet.

Wheat, barley, semolina, rye, malt & spelt

These are some of the foods that come with gluten content. Gluten containing foods may be detrimental to your thyroid health and it is considered as a key trigger for endocrine diseases. Go for a gluten-free diet to guard your thyroid health.

Fatty foods

Consuming fatty foods can worsen your thyroid conditions as poly unsaturated fat is linked with complication of the under active thyroid gland. Butter, mayonnaise, margarine, and fatty cuts of meat, crackers, cookies, cakes, pastries and French fries are some of the fatty foods that not only affect thyroid but also can increase your cholesterol levels and the risk of weight gain.

Sugary foods

Added sugar foods can disrupt with your thyroid functioning leading difficulty in managing your weight, appetite and energy. Sugar, syrups, sweeteners, soft drinks, candies, dry fruits, cookies, cakes, pies, jams, sauces are some of the sugary foods to avoid for hypothyroidism.

Processed foods

Consumption of processed foods such as pasta, pizza, bread, cakes, pretzels, cookies can be harmful for your thyroid gland as it contains high carbohydrates, sugar and gluten.

Too much fiber

Excess fiber in your diet can impede with absorption difficulties if you are in the hypothyroidism synthetic pills treatment. Though dietary fiber is necessary, it is recommended to avoid too much fiber in your diet.


Extra dosage of caffeine intervenes with thyroid function and result in enlarged thyroid gland. Having more cups of coffee can cause problem in absorbing T4 hormones and affects the conversion of T4 to T3 hormones. It is wise to avoid coffee, tea, chocolates and other caffeine based products are the harmful foods to avoid for hypothyroidism.


Alcohol directly impacts the thyroid health thereby leading to lot of negative effects to the thyroid gland. Say no to alcohol and adopt a healthy lifestyle for an optimal thyroid health.

If chosen right, food can be your best medicine. Considering these categories of foods to avoid for hypothyroidism can help you to prevent and manage the condition. 

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